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Sleeping beauty an Islamic Tale

Sleeping beauty an Islamic Tale

Regular price $25.00
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There is no question about the role of stories, fables and fairy tales in conveying and teaching morals. There is, however, less consensus, about when, how and why children and adults completely absorb morals. Among young children the ability to express moral matters develops slowly and is driven mainly by consequences.

The title of the book will inevitably resonate with many young readers as it is identical to the popular household tale of Sleeping Beauty, which had many themes; the chief one being the power of love. Over the centuries, many variants have arisen in different countries and cultures. This latest one is infused with faith and religion.

This ‘Islamic’ tale resembles the original plot in respect to good triumphing over evil and the power of love. However, Gilani appears to have a grand objective: to challenge some cultural norms and safeguard some matters related to the [aqidah of future Muslims. She has successfully achieved this through various means, although, taken as a whole, apparently, there are many concepts and morals being covered, which may require a developmental approach and several revisits to the story.


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